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Injured Knee – free of pain!

Nathan H.

Kuk Sool Won

As a martial artist, I have been aware of acupuncture for a while. During training I injured my knee and it was hurting for over 2 years.  It wasn’t untill I had spent thousands of dollars and much wasted time with doctors who said they “need to operate” before I began my search for an acupunctureist.

Since then I found Dr. Kong and she has been very helpful in my recovery.  In one month she has made my knee free of pain.  I have slowly begun to be able to do positions during meditation and stretching I thought I’d never do again.  Without a doubt she has helped me improve my knee and my life, helping my circulation and muscle tension.  I would highly recommend acupuncture as an equal or superior way of treating a variety of aliments or issues you may be experiencing.

Further more I fell Dr. Kong has a genuine desire to help you feel better.  Something I think most “regular” doctors are lacking.